Tag Archives: yarn

Awwe Crap! Christmas Knits!

6 Dec

If you are anything like me you have tons and tons of yarn. And then some. And if you are anything like me, you’re pretty cheap. And you like to give people presents. And to drink…oh wait…well..yeah that too.

Back to the point of this post, it’s time to make some really quick knits up. I personally steer clear of scarves since they basically bore me, and take forever for me to complete. The other night, I cruised along Pinterest and picked out some sweet quick knits for you to make, since you have (almost) 3 weeks to make some presents! I’m going to try to make some of these for people.

Well here’s some effin’ scarves & cowls for you anyways:

Quick Knit Scarf by LoopsKnitting

Marian by Jane Richmond


Life is Uneven Cowl by Jess (on CutOutandKeep)

Fingerless Mittens:

Jane Richmond – Mitten Cuffs

Leg Warmers:

Jane Richmond – Leg Warmers

Always a Christmas Classic – Slippers:

Splash by Drops Design

New Classic – Coffee Cozies:

mug cozy

1. Owl Coffee Cup Cozie 2. Cream Cable Cozy 3. Coffee Mug Cozy

Last but not least:

Here are some sweet blanket options if you have a chunk of time on your hands:


1. Eleventh Hour Blanket – Purl Bee 2. Speed Hook Shell Afghan 3. 5 1/2 Hour Throw 4. 6 Hour Throw

There you go! Some sweet options. For more inspiration hop on over to my Pinterest! Do you have any favorite stitch up real quick projects? Feel free to comment below and let me know!

Also, tonight’s drink of choice was a previously consumed Long Island Milkshake…it was amazing.



Gauge is Important Part 2 – Altering a Pattern

12 May

Long time no part 2. Eep!

Well, if you haven’t read Part One, please check out here:

 Gauge is Important Part 1

Not onto how else knowing your gauge will help. I have a very small head compared to others, this can create a pattern. Along with that, I knit loose. This can cause a problem in knitting up a clothing item.  Today we will be using my “Double up the rib, extra slouch on top please” beanie

Say you wanna make this for someone who’s head is about 16″, which is a pretty small head. I think that’s a toddler maybe…anywho. So you need to take off 4″. Well the gauge is as follows:

Needle: US8 / 5.0mm

Yarn: Bulky 12ply – Spud & Chloe Outer in Soapstone

Gauge: 12st x 18rw = 4″ st st

So that’s 3 stitches per inch, and takes 60 stitches to make the 20″ headband of the beanie. For the 16″ headband, here is the math: 3st (per inch) X 16″ = 48 stitches to begin. That is is if you have the same gauge. Say if your gauge was 4″ per inch? Then your formula would be 4st X 16″ = 64 stitches.

So the formula is: Stitches for inch X inches to knit = how many stitches you need. Does this makes sense? Now remember that doing this, does come with some issues. For this beanie it is a double rib, which has a 4 stitch repeat. So you have to make sure your stitches can do that. So for example, say your math ended up being 66 stitches, you have to make a decision. You have 2 options, up or down. Either you go up 2 stitches or down 2 stitches. Usually either won’t make that big of a difference, so it’s up to your preference.

If you have an 8 stitch pattern, you may have more issues. I look into the detail of the pattern. Are there free stitches between each repeat? Can I eliminate any of these? Can I add some stitches between?

When taking or adding stitches to patterns, don’t forget about the rows. This is important for the length of the project. If you are making a sweater or hat, make sure that your math still fits for those rows.

For the beanie pattern I have 4.5 rows per inch. Now say you have 4 rows per inch, this can make a difference. Now for the beanie it is only about 1/2″ difference. But say a larger sweater that was about 40″ long, that would make a difference of  about 4 inches…that could suck.

So the math you ask?

Rows per inch  X inches needed = total rows

So if you are 4″ off, find out how many rows you need to make that up, What I would do then is split it up.

Let’s try the beanie pattern again, we’re focusing on the crown/top half:

I know it is 21 rows, so now a x b = c is c/a=b It’s algebra, so bare with me if it’s confusing you:

mine: 21 final rows/4.5rw  = 4.5″

yours: 21 final rows / 4rw = 5.25

it’s a 3/4″ difference. How to make it less? You need to take out 3 rows. (This once was easy since you’re is 4rows per inch, so each stitch is 1/4″. ) So you find “filler rows” to remove. This is pretty easy for me, just take out maybe 1 row from the rib, and 2 rows at the beginning of the crown. Say it’s a pattern with tons of decrease/increase? Just remember to split up the garment into sections of where you have to take out (or add possibly) a row.

Okay, I know that is confusing! Please take some time to check out Stitch & Bitch Nation by Debbie Stroller for some more help. There’s a great section on there all about gauge! How do you think I learned so much? Feel free to ask any questions, or ask for further explanation!

Happy Knitting!

Bre 😀

Freebie Friday!

25 Mar

So in the fun of moving, there’s the greatness of packing. Along with packing, though, does come this nice cleanse. I do enjoy being able to minimize my belongings and get rid of things I no longer need to hold onto. Well, lucky you guys! You get to benefit from my move.

So we’re gonna be giving away some yarn from my stash. The big part is some (4 to 5)  yarn skeins (40 yards per) I bought, and never used. These guys are not the greatest…feeling…yarn. However it would be great to practice, make some household goods, anything that you won’t be wearing I’d recommend, oh and it’s 100% wool. Maybe a small rug? It’s bulky yarn in a sexy shade of…tan.

But don’t worry that’s not all. I’m also including this awesome scrap stash. I know this doesn’t seem too awesome, but there’s actually a decent amount to make a little beanie for a doll, a coaster or 2, and how many patterns have you needed waste yarn or a stitch holder for and can’t find a contrasting color? And one more thing – this snazzy skein of orange yarn. I believe it is a worsted weight Cascade wool. But I can’t guarantee that.

This little bundle will be available to enter immediately.

First, Leave a comment telling us:

What your go to craft is? What is your number one crafting hobby?

I know mine is knitting, and Ashley is absolutely in love with sewing.

But wait! You also have an extra chance to win! If you tweet this lovely little ditty:

Me oh my! Win a prize from the girls at sewbastediwannapurl! @basteandpurl http://bit.ly/ht14nR #craft #giveaway #sew #knit

After you tweet it, just comment again with your twitter name. So you are allowed 2 comments, which makes 2 entries. Pretty exciting!

You know the fine print deal: Only USA residents, no duplicating more than 2 entries or you will be disqualified.

This giveaway will end Monday at 11:59 pm. That’s right, giving you a few more hours to enter! Winners will be chosen with a random number generator announced Tuesday.

Happy Crafting!

Breana & Ashley

Continue reading

Friday Freebie Winners!

1 Mar


So we have 2 lovely winners for these 2 lovely prizes. We used a random number generator to pick the comments:

Random Generator

Here are your random numbers:

7           8

Timestamp: 2011-03-01 20:11:14 UTC



Amy Elizabeth



We will be trying to contact you tonight for shipping information. I hope to hear from you two soon.

We would like to thank everyone for their great participation! We can’t wait to provides more Freebie Fridays in the future. Don’t forget to check out our latest giveaway for National Craft Month: https://sewbastediwannapurl.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/national-craft-month/.

Happy Crafting!

Ashley & Breana



Freebie Fridays

25 Feb

We are so so so so excited to reveal this installment of our Blog. It will bring a whole new meaning to TGIF!


or Finished Project Friday, since, ya know, we can’t always be giving stuff away.

So for our very first ever giveaway, we’re gonna make it easy:

Comment this post with what you would like us to Blog about. That’s right, isn’t that easy? So you ask, what are the prizes? Well, even better news, we have TWO! So that makes TWO winners!

First, Ashley’s awesome draw string bag. These are awesome. Bre uses them to hold different knitting projects, which is way helpful to have the drawstring, since she’s so klutzy, and always spills her bags everywhere. So here is prize 1:

Multi-Use Drawstring Bag

Oh but wait, there’s more! (More?) MUCH MORE!

Another lucky winner will win a loom knit baby beanie. It’s simple, warm, and uber hip. Well, as hip as it needs to be for a baby ;).

I would like to thank Cynthia’s Blythe doll for modeling for me in such short notice.

Obviously this is a pretty small baby beanie, anyone expecting a newborn?

But one more thing! Yep, Breana will double up this deal. If we get 50 comments, on this post, she will make a custom made adult beanie to match, with black & gray stripes. I mean, c’mon, how awesome is that? So one winner will get 2 beanies – one for the little one and one for themselves. So let’s get this going!

Fine Print:

This contest will end Monday at 7pm Pacific time. It is valid for USA only. Only 1 comment per person. If we find out people are double commenting, you will be disqualified. The winners will be posted Tuesday.

About the bag:

Handcrafted by Ashley of a s h l e y m a r i e . on Etsy

Measures 12×14, made of 100% cotton with 100% cotton drawstring, and appliqued fabrics by Echino and Kokka.

Can be used for anything your little heart desires!

About the beanie:

7″ long with a diameter of 13 inches. Can stretch to at least 14″. Made out of acrylic, which makes this baby vegan. Hand knit with a loom. The adult hat will be made from a loom also with the same gray yarn, and also a bulky black yarn in a striping pattern.

Happy Crafting!

Ashley & Breana

Shop Review: Scarlet Skein

20 Feb

When I finally discovered there was a yarn shop in Paso, I definitely got giddy! Being as oblivious as I am with cute local shops, I missed this shop when it was in Atascadero. This isn’t a shock I missed it saying I didn’t know there were any fabric stores in Paso until I started working at one.

Well anyway when I walked in, I fell in love with the atmosphere. Brick walls, baskets filled with with beautiful yarns, dark oak shelving. I was already in love! There is such a variety of yarn stuffed in this cozy shop, without making it feel crowded. Everyone who works there is friendly and helpful without being pushy.

They have a sale once a month, and a 75% off basket, which I’ve always been a bit to shy to ask where this basket is. Haha. Oh and can’t forget all the great books and patterns available for sale.

I have 3 favorite things about this fabric other than the vast selection.

1. Prices! I’ve always been a low price online seeker. Here I’ve realized the prices match most online. This makes me feel like they are not trying to rape my wallet. I am a very cheap girl, but I know I can find something suitable in my budget

Along with these budget saving yarn, are the splurges. This is the place I saw the Noro yarns for the first time and got weak in the knees. Oh the selection of soft silky bamboo yarns that make my heart swell!

2. Buttons! Okay this may seem silly, but yes, I love the buttons. Oh and the handmade stitch markers. I can’t tell you for sure if the buttons are also handmade, but they do resemble it. They are quirky, cute, or just plain sophisticated. I know saying buttons are great is a weird thing to love at a yarn shop. I do feel like it compliments the shop it’s personality.

3. Classes, hang-outs & help. This shop is all about creating new craftsters and helping the seasonal ones. They have regular classes you can join to learn a new technique. Classes to help teach people knit from the start. One night a week they hold a knit/crochet & movie night. I thought that was a wonderful idea! Then of course, if a pattern stumps you, forget to make a bobble? Have no clue what yo and ssk means, head over to the Scarlet Skein, and ask away. When I come in there is usually one or more ladies knitting their little hearts out at the table in the back. It always brings a smile to my face.

So there you go. It is a great place and definitely worth a look! I feel like it has everything I expect in a LYS.

Hours & Location

Tuesday to Saturday

827 13th Street
Paso Robles CA 93446

Scarlet Skein

Don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter for what’s on sale, new arrivals & classes!